::Well Woven Rug Review::

  Area rugs can be tricky, amiright? They have to play nice with the other colors you have, as well as any color you add later.



Neutrals certainly have their place...but for a soft color lover like myself I like using something other than jute or non-descript beiges in every room.



I'd always heard oriental or persian rugs are so great because they pick up all the other colors in a space an just become a chameleon. So I took a chance and ordered one.



I was pretty excited to find this beauty from Well Woven with it's traditional vibe, steely pale blue and touches of berry red and warm browns. It's called the Sarouk Light Blue.



It's going to go in my den soon (which I plan to show this week!), but the day we got it, my kids' next door had JUST finished up their hard surface flooring in their living room and were needing a soft place for the grandlittles to play until they pick out something more their style. Grandson Walter approves!



My daughter's style is much more trendy and modern farmhouse than my own, so I was surprised to see how amazing the rug looked in her room!



She's still on the lookout for something a bit more bold, so I told her to check Well Woven....not only do they have an enormous selection of beautiful rugs from traditional to trendy, they manufacture their own designs which keeps overhead low. That means lower prices for folks like us who like great style without breaking the bank.



I can't wait to get it styled up in my den! We're finishing it up this 3 day Easter weekend and I'll show it off here on the blog next week!